What EcoMark Customers Say about Going Solar

There are many reasons why Solar Power is a great choice for your home. At EcoMark Solar, we talk with our customers and people who are interested in learning more about Solar Power.

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Why Go Solar Now

Here are the top reasons for going solar that we hear from our customers:

  • Save Money

    On average, homeowners can save as much as $100-$200 a month by installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Monthly savings vary based on regional weather conditions, location of the panels, and other factors.

    The solar panels Colorado homeowners prefer, for the most part, are the rooftop-mounted panels that allow for optimum exposure to the sun’s strong, photon-filled rays. These rays activate the solar panel cells to generate electricity. With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, Colorado homeowners are in an ideal location to reap substantial savings by going solar.

  • Prepare for a Power Outage

    Keep your family safe. Our changing climate is causing extreme weather including hot temperatures, fires, rain, wind, hail, and snow. These conditions can sometimes cause power outages. You will be ready for an outage with solar power and storage.

  • Save the Planet

    Here is an example of the environmental impact of installing one home with solar assuming a 5.2 kW system in Colorado. The impact will be equal to:

    • Eliminating over 300 tons of CO2 emissions over the lifetime of the equipment.
    • Equal to planting 300 acres of forest.
    • Preventing 300 tons of pollution from getting into our breathable air.

    To begin your path to energy freedom, positive environmental impact and to plant your own ‘solar forest’, get a quote for what solar can do for your home today.

  • Achieve a Better Return on Your Investment

    At the end of the day, solar is one of the best investments you can make. The average American solar purchaser sees a return on their investment (ROI) of 20 percent or more, with most solar panel systems paying for themselves multiple times over the course of their decades-long lifetime. Try getting that ROI from stocks! Your return from the utility company = zero!

  • Increase the Value of Your Home

    A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research estimated that home buyers gave a 4% premium to homes with solar energy systems installed than comparable homes without solar.

  • Be Comfortable

    With solar power and storage, you will be able to see your exact energy use and that will affect your overall consumption. When you really need energy for those scorcher days or winter storm blizzards, you can be comfortable and not worry about your utility bill.

  • Influence Others

    Many of our customers say a neighbor told them about the positive experience they had going solar.