Let’s face it, we could all be better at not wasting energy in our homes each day, here are some tips to help you out.
If you’ve made the environmentally friendly decision of having a home solar system installed, you’ve already gone a long way in preventing wasting energy. Of course, having solar panels doesn’t automatically mean energy isn’t being wasted. Read below to find out how you’re wasting energy in the home, and how you can save money and the environment by eliminating the most common – and easily avoidable – wasteful activities.
1. Not Programming Your Home’s Thermostat is Wasting Energy
Simply take a few minutes to set your thermostat, and you can avoid increased winter and summer power bills. Sadly, all thermostats aren’t programmable, and if yours falls into this category, you should simply get into the habit of resetting it frequently. And while the cost of solar panels pays off over the long haul, you can save money immediately by setting back your thermostat.
2. Keeping Unused Electronics Plugged In
Let’s be honest: we’re all guilty of this one. If you’re leaving your electronics plugged in when they’re not in use, you’re wasting energy. Invest in a power strip so you can easily switch off all your gadgets when they’re not in use.
3. Leaving Lights on in Empty Rooms
Everyone knows that leaving lights on in a room is a waste of energy. Yet for some reason, most of us do it anyway with the thought “It’s just this one time.” Unfortunately, this thinking can add $25 to your yearly electric bill if you leave on two 60-watt bulbs during weekdays for eight hours while at work.
4. Setting Water Heater Thermostat Too High
You’re probably just like everyone else and like taking a nice, hot shower. The desire for this leads many people to turn their water heater thermostat to levels that are unnecessary. In reality, having your water heater set above 120 degrees is pointless and expensive. With the money you save by not being this wasteful, the cost of solar panels seems menial.
5. Washing Partial Loads of Dishes or Laundry
You’ve likely been to the point where you prefer washing your dishes or laundry before it’s necessary. Unfortunately, washing partial loads means you’re using excessive heat and water, and the average dishwasher alone uses around 1,800 watts of electricity. There’s no need to let dirty dishes and laundry pile up; just don’t waste energy washing them before you have a full load.
With the cost of solar panels dropping to historical lows, it’s easy to save energy. Just make sure you’re not counteracting these savings with the aforementioned wasteful habits.
Contact us to learn more about saving energy with a new home solar system and common sense energy-savings tips.

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